bluestrawberry creer du contenu automatiquement pour les reseaux sociaux 1024x640

Plan your social media content for 18 months in advance!

Blue Strawberry, the tool for generating and scheduling your social media posts Do you want to publish a large volume of content on social networks, but feel overwhelmed by the time and effort required to do so? Look no further than Blue Strawberry, the tool that will make your job easier! Blue Strawberry is an …

blue and white apple logo

Victory of UFC Que Choisir against Twitter

The Union Fédéral de Consommateurs (UFC) Que Choisir has won a major victory against social networking giant Twitter Inc. The Paris Court of Appeals on Monday upheld an earlier court ruling that found 24 clauses in Twitter’s terms of use unlawful, as well as 29 clauses in its privacy policy and seven clauses in its …